Aaron Pudlicki

Aaron Pudlicki
Aaron Pudlicki

MFR (December ’24), Forest Business

MFR (December ’24), Forest Business

Additional Degrees: 

  • B.S. ’18, Forestry (California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt)

Prior Work Experience:

  • Graduate Assistant, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia (2023 – 2024)
  • Valuations Intern, Campbell Global, Portland, Oregon (2024)
  • Timberland Finance Intern, Campbell Global, Portland, Oregon (2023)
  • Consultant Utility Forester, CN Utility Consulting, Arcata, CA (2022)
  • Silviculture & Inventory Forester, Green Diamond Resource Company, Korbel CA (2021-2022)
  • Forester, Olympic Resource Management, Wilsonville, Oregon (2018-2020)

News & Announcements

Erin Lincoln headshot for news story
Close-up of a stack of logs
Environmental portrait of Stephen Kinane

Serving the forest business community

The Center for Forest Business serves the forest business community through education, research and service.

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