Coleman Enloe
MFR (May ’25), Forest Business
Additional Degrees:
- A.A.S. ’23, Forest Management Technology (Haywood Community College)
- B.S. ’21, Business Management (University of North Carolina at Asheville)
- A.A. ’19, Business (Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College)
Prior Work Experience:
- Technical forester, Bishop Forestry & Land, PLLC, Waynesville, N.C. (May-Aug 2023)
- Landscaper / laborer, Eleventh Hour Designs, Hendersonville, N.C. (2013-2016, 2019-2023)
- Project manager / financial compliance analyst/background screening agent, Wolfe Inc. / Keystone Labs Inc., Asheville, N.C. (January-June 2021)
- Processor and maintenance, Microtech Custom Knives: Arden, N.C. (2017-2019)