Dr. Yanshu Li

Dr. Yanshu Li
Dr. Yanshu Li

Associate Professor, Forest Economics & Taxation Outreach Specialist

Associate Professor, Forest Economics & Taxation Outreach Specialist

  • B.S. Accounting, Shanxi University, 1997.
  • M.S. Agricultural Management and Economics, China Agricultural University, 2000.
  • M.S. Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, 2003
  • Ph.D. Forest Economics, Auburn University, 2006
Areas of Expertise

Areas of Specialty

Research Areas

Research Interests

  • Federal and state forest taxation
  • Economic issues related to forest investment and management
  • Forest products market analysis
  • Economic benefits of forest
  • Federal and state forest taxation
  • Economic issues related to forest investment and management
  • Forest products market analysis
  • Economic benefits of forest
Labs, Centers, Committees

Outreach Faculty

Harley Langdale Jr. Center for Forest Business

Articles Featuring Dr. Yanshu Li

News & Announcements

Erin Lincoln headshot for news story
Close-up of a stack of logs
Environmental portrait of Stephen Kinane

Serving the forest business community

The Center for Forest Business serves the forest business community through education, research and service.

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