As of October 21st, 2024, 91 Georgia counties have been declared federal disaster areas (DR-4830-GA) eligible for individual and/or public assistance.
Archive for the ‘News & Announcements’ Category
Langdale Center for Forest Business names new director
The Harley Langdale Jr. Center for Forest Business at the University of Georgia welcomes industry expert Erin Lincoln on August 1.
Georgia Sawtimber Prices Held Steady in Q4 2023
Pine sawtimber and chip-n-saw stumpage prices in Georgia stabilized during the fourth quarter of 2023 following three consecutive quarters of decline. However, pine pulpwood stumpage prices continued to fall during the quarter.
J. Todd Petty named dean of Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
J. Todd Petty, chair of the department of forestry and environmental conservation at Clemson University, named the next dean of the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of Georgia.
Natural Resources: Forest Foundations
Stephen Kinane MS ’14, PhD ’20, taught an algorithm to recognize a pine sapling in an image of a forest. To properly program an algorithm, researchers teach AI to understand different backgrounds and lighting patterns, detailing what differentiates a sapling from other vegetation and the forest floor, and more.