Dr. Joe Dahlen
Dr. Joe Dahlen

Associate Professor - Wood and Fiber Quality




Warnell Building 4, Room 330

Dr. Jacek Siry
Dr. Jacek Siry

Stuckey Professor of Forest Economics and Taxation Graduate Coordinator





Warnell 4-501

Erin Lincoln
Erin Lincoln

Director, Harley Langdale Jr. Center for Forest Business





Building 4, Room 201

Dr. Yanshu Li
Dr. Yanshu Li

Associate Professor, Forest Economics & Taxation Outreach Specialist

Dr. Stephen Kinane
Dr. Stephen Kinane

Assistant Professor of Silviculture

Robert L. Izlar
Robert L. Izlar

Founding Director (Former)

Dr. Bruno Da Silva
Dr. Bruno Da Silva

Assistant Professor, Forest Finance

Dr. Joe Conrad
Dr. Joe Conrad

Associate Professor of Forest Operations





Warnell 4-508

Dr. Bronson P. Bullock
Dr. Bronson P. Bullock

Professor, Forest Biometrics & Quantitative Timber Management / Director, Plantation Management Research Cooperative (PMRC)





Warnell 4-532 (Forestry Building #4, 5th Floor)

Dr. Chad Bolding
Dr. Chad Bolding

Professor and Langdale Endowed Chair in Forest Business





Building 4, Room 502

Dr. Pete Bettinger
Dr. Pete Bettinger

Professor, Landscape Planning and Harvest Scheduling
Leon "Buddy" Hargreaves Jr. Distinguished Professor in Forest Management





Warnell Building 4
Room 527

Serving the forest business community

The Center for Forest Business serves the forest business community through education, research and service.

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